Posted January 10th, 2015 by Miche
Posted in Adoption, Age, Driving, Identity, Mental Health, Parenting, Play, Safety, Southern California
Tags: adventures, coastal road, driving, flat tire, frozen road, gash in sidewall, joy ride, legal driver, live vicariously through others, mountain road, no cell phone coverage, noble intentions, one-up manship, recreating memories, two-lane road
Posted June 2nd, 2014 by Miche
Posted in Abandonment, Age, Attachment, Education, Health, Mental Health, Parenting, Play, Trauma
Tags: adoption, doctors, endurance, friends and family, graduation, heart event, heart illness, mental illness, older siblings, park, play structure, special events, stress, surgery, testing
Posted December 12th, 2013 by Miche
Posted in Adoption, Attachment, Clothing, Holidays, Identity, Northern Europe, Parenting, Play, Religion, Safety, Uncategorized
Tags: candles, Christmas tree, church, clothing, crawling, decor, demolish, fire, first Christmas, forever family, honeymoon period, keepsake ornaments, Mass, newborn, obstinacy, Orphanage, red dress, temper, throw a fit, toddler, Twelve Days of Christmas
Posted October 12th, 2013 by Miche
Posted in Abandonment, Adoption, Age, Attachment, Education, Food, Health, Identity, Parenting, Play, Trauma, Uncategorized
Tags: Asian, communal living, elementary school, follow the leader, forever family, former life, naps, older siblings, Orphanage, play time, pre K, sibling rivalry, simon says, teacher
Posted May 3rd, 2013 by Miche
Posted in Abandonment, Adoption, Attachment, Identity, Parenting, Play
Tags: activity, alone, bathroom, Biological Children, caregiver, closeness in family, dating, food, fraternization, International Adoption, mom and child, nap, playmates, regimented schedule, siblings, structured day, toddler
Posted April 29th, 2012 by Miche
Posted in Age, Asian, Clothing, Health, Hygiene, Identity, Parenting, Play
Tags: bath, bathe self, Black Hair, braids, brush, clothing, comb, control, controlling behavior, costume, dress up, dressing for cold, hair, lice, party, pocahontas, proper dress, scary, skin color, wash hair
Posted April 26th, 2012 by Miche
Posted in Abandonment, Adoption, Mental Health, Pain, Play, Safety, Trauma
Tags: hair, hair pulling, head butt, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, Ptsd, tantrum, therapy, Trauma
Posted April 19th, 2012 by Miche
Posted in Abandonment, Adoption, Attachment, Health, Hygiene, Pain, Play
Tags: antibiotic, bald, Black Hair, boils, doctor, forever family, germs, hair, Health, Interracial Adoption, Orphanage, Pain, peer relations, scalp, skin lesion, toddler
Posted April 10th, 2012 by Miche
Posted in Adoption, Clothing, Hygiene, Parenting, Play
Tags: adoption, bath, bathing ritual, bonding, forever family, Habits, hygiene, International Adoption, Orphanage, toddler, water
Posted March 21st, 2012 by Miche
Posted in Abandonment, Adoption, Health, Mental Health, Pain, Parenting, Play, Safety, Trauma
Tags: Biological Children, broken bone, Defiance, determination, emotions, Fear, hospital, Pain, Parents, peer relations, siblings, tantrum