Posted January 10th, 2015 by Miche
Posted in Adoption, Age, Driving, Identity, Mental Health, Parenting, Play, Safety, Southern California
Tags: adventures, coastal road, driving, flat tire, frozen road, gash in sidewall, joy ride, legal driver, live vicariously through others, mountain road, no cell phone coverage, noble intentions, one-up manship, recreating memories, two-lane road
Posted January 9th, 2015 by Miche
Posted in Abandonment, Adoption, Age, Attachment, Driving, Education, Marriage & Divorce, Parenting, Safety, Southern California, Trauma
Tags: adoptive father, CA license, California driver, careful driver, decisions, driving consent, Facebook, feign ignorance, hide the key, joyride, obsessive compulsive, parental consent, permission, permit, teenage driver, temptation, told you so, unbearable temptation
Posted January 8th, 2015 by Miche
Posted in Abandonment, Adoption, Age, Attachment, Driving, Education, Identity, Marriage & Divorce, Mental Health, Parenting, Safety, Trauma
Tags: adopted daughter, car rules, desires, dormitory, driver's license, driving under influence, expensive car, first vehicle, good grades, local college, needs, no drinking and driving, older vehicle, purchase price, sports car, teen driver, wants, without car at college
Posted January 5th, 2015 by Miche
Posted in Adoption, Age, Driving, Education, Health, Identity, Marriage & Divorce, Mental Health, Parenting, Safety, Southern California
Tags: adult, adult decision, California driver's license, chronological age, crosswalk, deal breaker, Department of Motor Vehicles, driver's education, driving exam, emotional stability, focus on driving, maturity, medication, Mental Health, mental illness, non compliant, obsessed, pedestrian, safe driver, solid white line, turn signal, unsafe driver
Posted January 4th, 2015 by Miche
Posted in Abandonment, Adoption, Age, Driving, Health, Marriage & Divorce, Mental Health, Parenting, Safety, Trauma
Tags: child of trauma, decision making, destructive fit, DMV, emotional stability, forget responsibility, guardianship, medical treatment, mental illness, non compliant, obsessed, parenting style, physical fits, prescription meds, rage, screaming, teen, wrath
Posted January 3rd, 2015 by Miche
Posted in Adoption, Age, Driving, Education, Parenting, Safety, Southern California, Uncategorized
Tags: 18th birthday, behind the wheel, brother, Dad, Department of Motor Vehicles, DMV, DMV line, driver's license, driving test, failure, gray hair, highway, instructor, license, Necessary Paperwork, Parents, permit, prepared, required hours, road test, rural route, self esteem, sibling, Sister, study guide, teen driver, test
Posted January 2nd, 2015 by Miche
Posted in Adoption, Age, Driving, Education, Parenting, Safety, Southern California, Trauma, Uncategorized
Tags: 15 year old driver, appointment, certificate, conflict, cost, Department of Motor Vehicles, DMV, driving, driving theory, due diligence, exam, freedom from parents, Homework, hullabaloo, learner's permit, next available, online instruction, passed test, permit test, right of passage, right to drive, school work, sixteen, sixteenth birthday, social network, teenage driver, telephone, timing
Posted June 25th, 2014 by Miche
Posted in Abandonment, Adoption, Attachment, Education, Health, Northern Europe, Pain, Parenting, Safety, Trauma, Uncategorized
Tags: adoptive mom, biathlon, Biological Children, blame, bystander, collapse, college, competition, constant stress, ex-husband, marksmen, missed shots, money from wallet, moved away, nerves worn thin, new male relationship, olympian, on guard, panting, physical abuse, rages, rifle shooting, scapegoat, separated, skiing, target, teen, tween, uncontrollable tears, verbal abuse
Posted June 21st, 2014 by Miche
Posted in Adoption, Attachment, Education, Language, Northern Europe, Parenting, Religion, Safety, Uncategorized
Tags: adopted child, bilingual, elementary school, English, French, Hungarian, ignore foreign language, learning new language, mastering new language, Polish, refusal to speak, Scandinavian, second language, Tamil, toddler, Vietnamese
Posted June 19th, 2014 by Miche
Posted in Abandonment, Adoption, Attachment, Marriage & Divorce, Mental Health, Parenting, Safety, Trauma, Uncategorized
Tags: cornered, cornered and alone, custody, early trauma, entitled, entitlement, escalated state, fight or flight, freeze response, hunter, Most Dangerous Game, moving, never in car alone, prey, projectiles in car, Ptsd, retreat to safety, seldom at home alone, separated, stalking, unable to live alone with child